Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Me and Lent...

Here I am into my third day of Lent and already I am feeling committed. I'm not one that usually gives up anything for Lent...but, something this Lenten season has me feeling obliged to do so.

I have to say the decision to give up meat was not one I thought on long and hard. I was sitting at my desk and suddenly it came to me...give up eating meat...all kinds of meat.
I'm one of those types that once I make my mind up to try or do something I will 99% of the time follow through (we just won't talk about those diet plans here and there.)

I have eliminated all meat in my house - gave it to other people. Some have asked my what about my son that lives at home...I told them....if he wants to cook meat...by all means he is welcome to do so...I just won't assist. But, I get off pretty easy here as he isn't a big fan of eating red meats at all...so he's all for the new diet plan. We're also eager to find what kind of changes it will make in our health.

Will keep updating my progress as a non-meat person...I feel determined and positive that this will be good for me...and might even last a lifetime...we'll see.

Would love to hear from you if you have eliminated meats from your diet. I will eat dairy and eggs...I know that the proteins there are necessary for me at this time.

To all you that are making some sacrifice this season...I wish you a wonderful & successful celebration of your inner strengths!


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